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25 products


DORSET - Original Cashmere Swing Coat with Fur TrimDORSET - Original Cashmere Swing Coat with Fur Trim
ADUR - Printed Cashmere Wrap with Fur TrimADUR - Printed Cashmere Wrap with Fur Trim
SHALI- Fox Fur-Trim Cashmere CapeSHALI- Fox Fur-Trim Cashmere Cape
INNSBRUCK- Cashmere Blend Jacket with Fox CollarINNSBRUCK- Cashmere Blend Jacket with Fox Collar
BUDAPEST - Cashmere Vest with Fox Front PanelBUDAPEST - Cashmere Vest with Fox Front Panel
Save $455.00SHERIDAN- Cashmere Lined Cape with Fox TrimSHERIDAN- Cashmere Lined Cape with Fox Trim
SHERIDAN- Cashmere Lined Cape with Fox Trim Sale price$1,125.00 Regular price$1,580.00
Save $75.00ZELL - Cashmere Wrap with Mink Pom PomZELL - Cashmere Wrap with Mink Pom Pom
ZELL - Cashmere Wrap with Mink Pom Pom Sale price$375.00 Regular price$450.00
Save $545.00MONTREAL - Cashmere Blend Cape Coat with Fox Collar and CuffsMONTREAL - Cashmere Blend Cape Coat with Fox Collar and Cuffs
MONTREAL - Cashmere Blend Cape Coat with Fox Collar and Cuffs Sale price$995.00 Regular price$1,540.00
RYE - Reversible Cashmere Paisley Scarf with Mink PomsRYE - Reversible Cashmere Paisley Scarf with Mink Poms
SELM - Cashmere Cape with Fox Trim
MISSOULA - Cashmere Short Cape with Fox TrimMISSOULA - Cashmere Short Cape with Fox Trim
EMDEN Sale price$175.00 Regular price$200.00
GERA - Cashmere Cape with Fox FurGERA - Cashmere Cape with Fox Fur
BERLIN - Reversible Cashmere JacketBERLIN - Reversible Cashmere Jacket
MAYEN - Cashmere and Rex Rabbit Scarf with SnapMAYEN - Cashmere and Rex Rabbit Scarf with Snap
WISMAR - Cashmere Coat with Mink Collar and BeltWISMAR - Cashmere Coat with Mink Collar and Belt
GLACE - Fox Fur-Trim & Wool-Blend WrapGLACE - Fox Fur-Trim & Wool-Blend Wrap
NORA - Cashmere Blend Belted CapeNORA - Cashmere Blend Belted Cape
LIMA - Faux Fur Cape with 3/4 SleeveLIMA - Faux Fur Cape with 3/4 Sleeve
COLMAR - 100% Cashmere Belted CoatCOLMAR - 100% Cashmere Belted Coat
Sold outSave $655.00TOULOUSE - 100% Cashmere CoatTOULOUSE - 100% Cashmere Coat
TOULOUSE - 100% Cashmere Coat Sale price$595.00 Regular price$1,250.00
Save $83.00GERARD - Cashmere Blend Cape with Fox FurGERARD - Cashmere Blend Cape with Fox Fur
GERARD - Cashmere Blend Cape with Fox Fur Sale price$567.00 Regular price$650.00
Gubbio - Cashmere Concealed Button Stroller CoatGubbio - Cashmere Concealed Button Stroller Coat
AMBOISE- Cashmere Belted Long CoatAMBOISE- Cashmere Belted Long Coat
Bruges -Pure Cashmere Belted Long CoatBruges -Pure Cashmere Belted Long Coat